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Our mission​
Our mission is to empower drilling contractors, service companies, and operators with our technologies that will enhance their capabilities. We provide repeatable delivery of cost effective and accurate wellbores through optimized engineering and design. We also maximize rates of return for our clients and our shareholders with relentless pursuit of optimal performance.
Optimization and Engineering

Drilling optimization is critical to every successful drilling program, particularly in today’s oil and gas marketplace, where every expenditure is measured against what it contributes to drilling efficiency. Optimizing the drilling process means getting to TD in the safest, fastest, most economical way possible, increasing the number of wells drilled each year that in turn rapidly brings on production.
That’s where RigMinder can make a significant contribution.
Wellbore Guidance

The benefits of the system go beyond the software itself. Operationally, all wells benefit from the input of the best Directional Driller (DD). By leveraging the software, the top DD can monitor multiple drilling operations simultaneously. The built-in analysis tools such as motor yield, automatic rig state detection, slide sheet population, automatic reporting, and survey updates reduce the DD's workload. Allowing more focus on performance optimization.

RigMinder's Automation technology aims to make the well construction process consistent and predicable regardless of crew, rig, or operator. Consistency produces efficiency through ever better control algorithms and smart processes. RigMinder's Automation delivers full control of the rig's top drive, drawworks and mud pumps wile the rig safety systems remain fully functional. The universal user interface is simple and compatible with all AC rig control systems.